
Emphasizing Height and Distance
This photo fits the topic of "Emphasizing Height and Distance" because the sky meets the ground in the lower half of the frame. 

                                                            Good Lighting and Focus
   This photo fits the topic "Good Lighting and Focus" because the lighting is coming from the side                                                            and makes the picture looks nice.
                                                                  Multiple Subjects
     This picture fits the topic "Multiple Subjects" because have more than one subject in the picture.
                                                                 Leading Lines
This picture fits the topic "Leading Lines" because the the lines of the skeleton leads the viewers eye                                                                   around the page.

This photo fits the topic "Good Lighting and Focus" because it fills the frame and has no dead space.

Emphasizing Foreground
This photo fits the topic "Emphasizing Foreground" because there is more ground than sky.

Rule of thirds
This fits the topic "Rule of Thirds" because she is in the cross hairs of the rule of thirds grid.
 Contact sheets

Composition: I was able to reach the goal because I tried my best and I believe I succeeded in following all requirements for each picture I have uploaded. I feel like my "Simplicity" picture was the strongest because it only had one object in the frame, and the background was one color, so it was easy to focus on that one object and also the lighting was coming from the side. However, it would be better if I could remove the shadow from the background, remove the red color from the skeleton, and remove the shadow from the skeleton My weakest picture is my "Emphasizing Foreground" because the house is centered and it would look better if the house wasn't centered. However it still followed the requirements. I also thought it I took the picture closer to the ground, and if I took the picture further from the house it would look better. I think I did I did a B+ job because I did edit everything in Photoshop, and did my best to reach the requirements.Considering that this was my first time ever taking pictures like this, and editing, I think I did a pretty good job. Next time I would get more creative with my pictures, and edit it better.


  1. I liked the multiple subjects photo because of the way the light is darker in the back and it gets lighter as you get closer. however i would suggest that you use natural light instead of the flash.

  2. Simplicity is incorrect. There should be NO dead space. Subject should fill the frame.

    Emphasizing Height and distance is incorrect. There should be more sky than ground.

    Fix to raise grade.

    Be sure to edit your pictures. Images 3 & 6 were not touched in photoshop.

  3. I liked the leading lines photo with the skeleton but, i would recommend moving the light source to the side of the skeleton so the lighting would not be as harsh.


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